How to Cook Zucchini Noodles in Microwave

how to cook zucchini noodles in microwave
  • Prep Time
    10 Mins
  • Cook Time
    15 Mins
  • Calories
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Last Updated on June 2, 2021 by Niks

Zoodles is an Italian classic that people love from all around the world because of its beautiful delicate east and lovely texture.

Zoodles are long string-like pasta that is then made tender and added to different names and flavors to taste fantastic. Many of us don’t know how to cook zucchini noodles in the microwave, let’s learn this exciting recipe.

But many people considered being healthy because of the usage of a high quantity of flour. But pasta can also be made a small fit as we can add one of the most beneficial vegetables into the pasta dough, which is zucchini.

Can we use any Zucchini in Noodles?

We cannot merely use any zucchini while making noodles. Zucchini is too ripe. It is not possible to make good noodles as the zucchini’s liquid portion would be too much, which would make the noodles soggy and inedible.

To ripe zucchini also makes the pasta’s flavor very blind, which is not preferred by much of the eaters. The best way to choose zucchini is by holding a zucchini with form hands and squeezing it a little to see the zucchini’s rigidity. If it does not squeeze out with a gentle porsche, this is the right one to make the ultimate noodles.

how to cook zucchini noodles in microwave

Ways to Cook Zucchini Noodles

There is a very traditional way in Italy of making noodles, which is boiling the shape doubt noodles. Zucchini noodles can also be made in the same way by ball in the noodles into boiling water with salt.

But there is another way to make zucchini noodles as well. That is by using the microwave. Here we will learn about how to cook zucchini noodles in the microwave.


  • Raw zucchini
  • Cutting instrument of choice (spiralizer etc.)
  • Olive oil
  • Lime juice
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Thyme

How to Cook Zucchini Noodles in Microwave

Making zucchini noodles in the microwave is genuinely a sage choice as it does not spoil the beautiful texture and taste of the noodles. However, the taste of cooked zucchini is similar to that of pasta. There are numerous ways to cook zucchini noodles, but a simple process can be followed to ensure tasty and fast zucchini noodles using the microwave.

zucchini noodles

  1. Give zucchini the desired shape by cutting: Zucchini can be cut in many styles, including long, short, and medium fibral (thread-like) and spiral shapes using the right instruments like the spiralizer. Another effective way to enjoy it is by slicing the zucchini lengthwise by chopping it with a clean cutting board knife.
  2. Clean the noodles thoroughly: Wash the noodles and ensure all the strands are squeaky clean before cooking.
  3. Prepare the oven and set medium-high temperature: Placement of the rack is one of the most critical parts of cooking. Make sure to open your oven wide open and use the oven rack on the top shelf. Set a perfect temperature inside the oven before putting the zucchini noodles inside. The ideal temperature is 4500 degrees.   
  4. Please don’t waste the sheets: Slice out the zucchini from its skin. Lay this skin covering on the cookie tray of any oven. The peel is tasty as well as healthy.
  5. Here comes the Olive oil: Take a brush and get to work. Use olive oil and make sure that each strand of zucchini noodles is covered with oil. It is advised not to overdo it. Oil is an integral part, but too much oil spoils the taste of every food.
  6. Follow the golden time rule: Place the oil-sprinkled zucchini noodles into the oven. Set the timer to 5 minutes. This is mostly enough to cook the zucchini. Even if things don’t go well, let it heat for an additional three minutes. Keep an eye on the color.
  7. Done and dusted: Remove the zucchini noodles after it achieves a soft brown color. You can taste a string or two to ensure good taste and tenderness.
  8. Season and garnish it elegantly: Salt and pepper are used according to the preference of people. But mild salt and pepper can improve its taste significantly. Adding a dash of lime also makes it look presentable and makes it tangy. In the end, put some thyme on the side and serve it hot!

creamy zucchini noodles

This is the easiest way to learn how to cook zucchini noodles in the microwave. It is effortless to make and is very delicious to eat. To add more taste to the noodles, many people add different varieties of Mexican herbs and a little skim cheese to ensure that the zucchini noodle is still a healthy choice, which has a very delicious taste.

The main reason for its popularity is its consistency, taste, and similarity of zucchini compared to noodles made out of flour. It’s mostly about cooking styles.

Taste matters and there are always personal preferences that match meals like this. People should enjoy their meal anyways.

creamy zucchini noodles

How to Cook Zucchini Noodles in Microwave

Zoodles is an Italian classic that people love from all around the world because of its beautiful delicate east and lovely texture. Here check out how to cook zucchini noodles in microwave. very easy steps.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 5 people
Calories 65 kcal


  • Cutting instrument of choice (spiralizer etc.)


  • Raw zucchini
  • Olive oil
  • Lime juice
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Thyme


  • Give zucchini the desired shape by cutting: Zucchini can be cut in many styles, including long, short, and medium fibral (thread-like) and spiral shapes using the right instruments like the spiralizer. Another effective way to enjoy it is by slicing the zucchini lengthwise by chopping it with a clean cutting board knife.
  • Clean the noodles thoroughly: Wash the noodles and ensure all the strands are squeaky clean before cooking.
  • Prepare the oven and set medium-high temperature: Placement of the rack is one of the most critical parts of cooking. Make sure to open your oven wide open and use the oven rack on the top shelf.
  • Set a perfect temperature inside the oven before putting the zucchini noodles inside. The ideal temperature is 4500 degrees
  • Please don’t waste the sheets: Slice out the zucchini from its skin. Lay this skin covering on the cookie tray of any oven. The peel is tasty as well as healthy.
  • Here comes the Olive oil: Take a brush and get to work. Use olive oil and make sure that each strand of zucchini noodles is covered with oil. It is advised not to overdo it. Oil is an integral part, but too much oil spoils the taste of every food.
  • Follow the golden time rule: Place the oil-sprinkled zucchini noodles into the oven. Set the timer to 5 minutes. This is mostly enough to cook the zucchini.
  • Even if things don’t go well, let it heat for an additional three minutes. Keep an eye on the color.
  • Done and dusted: Remove the zucchini noodles after it achieves a soft brown color. You can taste a string or two to ensure good taste and tenderness.
  • Season and garnish it elegantly: Salt and pepper are used according to the preference of people. But mild salt and pepper can improve its taste significantly. Adding a dash of lime also makes it look presentable and makes it tangy. In the end, put some thyme on the side and serve it hot!
Keyword how to cook zucchini noodles in microwave

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